Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Textication Nation" Texting While Driving PSA - Is This Video Too Graphic Or Just What We Need?

We live in t he age of technology. Duh. We have created so many new devices and lifestyles that we are struggling in many ways to keep up with and adapt to  our man-made environments.

It was once a very normal thing to do... pulling over to use a pay phone to call someone's land line. But there were obvious inconveniences in that. Then, we created pagers (which I really want to rock again! They're ulta 90's, pager codes are hilarious and they remind me of the more innocent days. Let me not forget to mention The Cool Kids' awesome song, "with a little bit of gold and a pager"). But we were limited with pagers. We had to find a phone just to see who was paging us or decipher bizarre pager codes, ie- 143 (i love you), 43770(hello), etc. And what if we didn't have any change? What if the person paging us is someone with whom we don't want to speak? So we pushed that forward and came up with voice-mail to go with our pagers. You can leave a message and the person you paged can check it from any phone! But this, too was flawed as we learned that we might want to reply to the person that left the v-mail and we want to reply right away. This quickly manifested the bulky cellar phone. Refer to Save by The Bell's Zack Morris (I used to think he was such a hottie) and his gigantic cell phone that was bigger than any land phone today.  And you could use it in your car! Oh how cool you looked driving with your giant phone plugged into your car.

But stopping at cell phones wasn't enough. I mean, yeah, we can finally talk to anyone we want, whenever we want, wherever we want, we can text, leave messages, but can't send emails. I can't take pictures. I can't use it as a motherfucking video camera. These cell phones sure are becoming useless... Quick! Someone do something about it! Thanks!
Ok, so now I can do all of the above plus some with my phone, but how will I ever get where I need to go without GPS? I mean back in the day, people obviously didn't go anywhere, but this is the new millennium, how will I get from point A to B? GPS bitch! It will never stop.

So now you can virtually do just about anything on your cellular phone that you could do with your computer. AND you can do it ANYWHERE!! Yaaay! what new problems could possibly arise from this? I mean, we are basically at the peak of technology advancement, so what would really go wrong? 

Oh! Driving while on that magical little device! Yes! I forgot how important it is to text, make phone calls, fucking blog, search music, etc on your phone while driving 65 plus motherfucking miles an hour thinking your dumb ass is invincible. Nothing is ever enough for us. We learn efficient ways to do shit but then we abuse it and screw it up. Now people are dying all the damn time because of the lack of self control, narcissism, fucking blatant stupidity that is embedded in most people, Los Angeles dwellers especially.  I stumbled on this new PSA Texting while Driving video in which 3 girls are in a car, the one driving is texting and crashes into another car, killing her friends and some of the passengers in the other car. This video is extremely graphic and is made to tug on heart strings with hopes of helping us realize just how severe the consequences of being on our cells phones while driving can be. I personally think it's a good idea. What do you think?

Produced by the Gwent Police Department.

I know, slightly dramatic but it is COMPLETELY REALISTIC! It illustrates the dangers of texting while driving. Americans can only view this video online because currently it has been deemed "too graphic" to air on U.S. television WHICH IS STUPID because this is EXACTLY what people everywhere in the world need to see! I usually give my friends such shit for texting and driving because I don't want to die, especially not like that. I rather die saving a life or doing something heroic. But to go down because of the unintelligence and recklessness of a friend would have me haunting them in my spirit life.  After watching this video, there is no way I’m sending out texts while behind the wheel. The more this film is viewed, the better. Please, if you are severely guilty of this, don't feel bad... well fell bad, but don't get embarrassed. Just stop. Now. Please. You will literally be helping save lives. Do you want to live with blood on your hands?

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