Wednesday, May 20, 2009

New York, Sex and Moving In With the Ex!?

So... I'm a Los Angeles native about to move to New York. I have always wanted to live in New York but never really had a place to stay while job and apartment hunting. Uprooting myself with very little cash is intimidating. However, after being there so many times over the course of several years, I've grown quite comfortable with the city. I've gotten lucky there many times as far as business, modeling and marketing endeavors. Furthermore, I have established some pretty good connections that have led to the opportunity to live there with some friends of mine, including my "ex" boyfriend. So it would be an understatement to say that my upcoming living situation will be "interesting".

Oh, my ex.... My sweet, handsome, intelligent and insane ex-boyfriend; we still have a strong connection and an addictive chemistry but I do worry about how well he and I will get along. See, he offered me his room to share (rent-free) until I get a place of my own. While all of my friends said it would be disastrous, I accepted his generous offer as it seems like one I shouldn't refuse.
Not only will it be hard to adjust to my new life out there; I will have to maintain harmony between us.

He's an English major, musician, pseudo yuppie living in Brooklyn and is way too smart for his own good. Hyper aware of human errs and flaws of the world, he's generally "socially retarded". He's aware of his superior intelligence so it often blinds him when he is wrong; his emotions conflict with his intellect which causes an often maudlin me to go abnormally postal.

His name? I wish I could tell. I'll call him "Dick" since I absolutely love his dick, because often he can be a really big dick and, like dicks, he can be a real fucker. Dick is my polar opposite; tall, white, lanky, blond, robotic, reserved, a left brainer. Yet there's a quiet poetry about him; a unique charm, a deep, tender core that captures my heart. Let's not forget the sex! I love it. He knows how to be a hunter. Something all men should be... at least more men these days (We'll talk much more about the hunter/nester quotient later).

Along with his stellar qualities, which I could go on about, he possesses some scary ones that cause my friends and myself to worry. He's spiteful, cold, domineering, hypocritical and tightly wound (These are but a few). I've decided that I will accept the challenge and make the best of it as long as I keep my eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel: self-sufficiency, independence and success.

I am technically single. I know not exactly what will happen when I get there but I'm willing to remain open-minded and open-legged. Hey, a girl like me has needs, too. If I can roll over in my bed and do the hottie lying next to me (the one who knows how I like it), why the hell would I meander around town looking for some new guy to waste my time? But as it stands I am totally single.

As an L.A native, I still have connections and unresolved business with certain guys I've previously dated.

There is one in particular, "Jack Bandit", that I have liked for a few years now. Jack Bandit is a witty, handsome, guitar instructor and a San Fernando Valley resident whose idea of a good time is watching Extras or The Office and sharing a good laugh. He has a big, honest heart and can share misanthropic views as I. He looks something like Christian Bale. Yum.

We dated a short while. We stayed friends all the while(with the occasional make-out), and there is still an attraction. We've only had sex once; it was for a few seconds because... Well, he hadn't had sex in quite a while so he was ready to bust his nut immediately. I absolutely don't hate on him for that. It's understandable for men if they haven't had sex in a while. But for what it was, it was good and showed promise that it could be great if we had another go at it. Due to various circumstances and distractions, it never happened again.

I can't help but ponder; should I have one last
stab at it with Jack Bandit before I move? Or should I keep myself scarce until I'm in NYC with my ex?

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there is such a thing as being too smart for your own good. If he is then maybe he's not that smart. Humbleness is the beginning of wisdom. It is better to be wise than to be smart. A smart man recognizes other people's faults while a wise man recognizes his own faults. Don't put this guy on a pedestal just because you think he has "superior intellect." Knowledge is useless without wisdom.
