Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Introducing Dr. Labia

Okay, I know "Dr. Labia" is a strange name to go by. But it’s something my friends and I find quite amusing. My actual name is Talibah (Tuh-lee-buh). I met a girl at a party who fancied calling me “Ta-Labia (Tuh-Lay-bee-uh)" and I found it quite clever and funny. I’m certain I thanked her for such a charming nickname despite my being heavily intoxicated and her attempt to poke fun at me. The name stuck and somehow manifested into "Lady Labia", "Dr. Labia" and "Lady Laybs" or good ol "Ta-Labia". I don't go by this name every day; I thought it would be a fun pen name. Make sense now? Good. Now that you understand the origin of my name, let us move on.

Face it. I love love. I love sex. I love boys (err-men). I love relationships, dating, socializing, flirting and matchmaking. MOST importantly, I LOVE giving advice and talking about these topics!

If I’m not doing it, I’m talking about doing it, how I’ve done it, how you did it, how it should be done, how others do it and so forth.

I realized recently, after giving a girlfriend of mine advice on the d-bag boys in her life for the millionth time, that I should be doing this on a larger scale (getting paid to do it wouldn’t hurt either). I have a male friend, "Full on Kevs", I call him; he asks me for advice on women as well. Soon, I looked around me and realized that virtually all of my friends seek my insight and open ears or just flat out enjoy conversing with me about the ups and downs of love, sex, life and everything in between. What is it about me, you ask? Well, I have raging hormones, a widely open mind, am a keen analyst and, well, charm only helps. Not tooting my own horn here; I'm simply acknowledging my gift of gab, accessibility, eccentricity and strong sense of empathy. It seems as though I create an atmosphere of comfort in which most find it easy to open up. Then I thought, why shouldn’t I go global? I suppose for now, I’ll start one blog at a time.

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